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I am a modern thinker, catholic, and a democratic socialist, I love to make people laugh while proving a point, and I always enjoy listening to other people's opinions.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Vegetarians... yuck

Vegetarianism is the practice of following a diet based on plant-based foods including fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, nuts, and seeds, with or without dairy products and eggs. A vegetarian does not eat meat, game, poultry, fish, crustacea, shellfish, or products of animal slaughter such as animal-derived gelatin and rennet.
There are many different types of vegetarian diets, such as lacto-vegetarian diets, lacto-ovovegetar, semi-vegetarian, and then there is the vegan diet. Now that is the one I disagree with. There are many reasons why people become vegetarians, some go on a strict no eat meat diet because they ate so much McDonald's and now meat is poison to them (like Morgan Spurlock from Super Size Me). In that case I can understand why you're on a vegan diet because of doctors orders, but if you're a healthy young person you don't need to be on that particular diet, it can do more harm than good. However, like anything in this world, too much of anything is bad for you. You have to have a balance. If you choose to go on a no-eat-meat diet you need to prepare yourself for taking a lot of vitamins. No matter what vegy diet you choose, you need to make sure you have enough calories to meet your energy needs.
Anyway I digressed, I don't want to bore you with anymore details to being a vegetable eater but back to my point I don't think people should look to being a vegetarian as a safe alternative to eating meat because it's not. Yes, people who eat a lot of meat need to look at eating more "greens" but people who eat to much "greens" also need to look at eating a little more meat or become more at risk of getting e coli.
However, it has come to my attention that some people turn to being a vegetarian because of animal cruelty of the meat industry. I can agree with this reason of choosing to become one because you're boycotting the meat industry, protesting, and I'm guessing you guys want them to treat the cows better before they die. I did watch a documentary about how the conditions are in the slaughter houses, and how bad they treat the cows before their time is up. So I say yes that we should make it a bit more cleaner, but no to the fact that I believe they were put on this earth for us to eat, just like all the other animals we eat, and they just taste too good to give up.
Many people are vegetarians for many reasons, and this post only talks about the ones who choose to be vegetarians or extreme "vegy" eaters, this has nothing to do with those who are vegetarians because of their religion. I say that too much of anything is bad, so you need to have a balance. Look at the food pyramid.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Editions to Absolute Thinker

To start the new year off, I will be starting a book list, movie reviews, and something to do with music. If you have ever heard of Oprah then you have heard of her famous book club. It will be kind of set up like that, it will be a list of books that everyone should read, and if you have any book suggestions just email me. I will also be starting movie reviews telling what's coming up, what to see, what not to see, and everything in between. I will also do music coverage. I don't know what exactly I'll be doing with the music category but if you have any ideas that you would like to see get put to use please let me know by emailing me.

If you have any other categories you would like me to add or cover email me at st.lacaria@gmail.com

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010

Happy New Years everyone! It's a new year to start over for those of us that screwed up last year. New Years has to be my favorite holiday, second being Halloween because I get to scare the living hell out of little children, but New Years is the only holiday that gives me an adrenaline rush. Every second of every minuet leading up to 12:00 am and then the countdown I practically have an anxiety attack. But the biggest reason I love New Years is because for a split second, just for the tiniest moment in life, in the world, everyone is experiencing the same thing. Maybe not all at the exact moment but nonetheless we all experienced it at some point in time, for me I feel as though at that split moment in time that everyone is one, that we are all the same on this planet, no matter how different we are we're all still alive for another year, we have all made it this far and that's why we're celebrating. As for the inmates in prison it's another year closer to parole...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Why Would I Pay $8 To Make Out!

How stupid is it to pay $16 dollars just so that you can make out at the movie theatre?
I'll tell you, IT'S VERY STUPID! So this is how it goes; first you meet a girl; then you ask her out; when she says yes, you then decide where to go on your date, which usually ends up going to the movies. What the crazy thing is, is that they usually pick a movie that they both want to see! They then go in to the movie theatre, sit down, get comfortable, and start to hold hands. When it gets dark and the movie progresses, and they are sure that it's too dark to see the person to the right or left of them, they begin to kiss, which leads to making out during the whole movie untill it's over. When they realize what they had done, and because it was a movie that they both wanted to see, they then have to either pay for another tickett to see it again another time or they have to wait till it comes out on dvd. THAT'S STUPID.
I guess it's not a big deal for the girl because she didn't have to pay for the tickett, but I'm not that kind of a guy. I'll pay for the tickett, but if it's a movie that I want to see, I'm going to sit there and watch the whole movie because I paid to see it, and I'm not going to waste $16 dollars. Just not gonna happen.
I what I'm trying to get at is that if you want to end up just making out, at least choose a movie niether of you want to go see. In that way I have no problem wasting $16 dollars. But I much rather pay for a $5 dollar dvd and make out at my house.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jesus is Middle Eastern

Something that has always ticked me off is that there are people who think that Jesus was black or white. Now I'm sure some of you are saying, "Why does it matter?" "Who cares?" Well actually it matters a lot.
First of all we are taught that Jesus was half man and half God, and that he was a real man. So we all agree that Jesus was a real man, who actually lived on this planet in the Middle East correct? Okay then, therefor if he was a real man who lived in the Middle East then he must be Middle Eastern. Saying that Jesus was a real man and then saying that he was black would be geographically incorrect! If you are born in China you are Chinese, if you were born in Italy then you are Italian, if you are born in Spain you are Spanish. Do you see the pattern? And even as a Catholic I am ashamed that we try to make him look white in the Stations of the Cross because it is incorrect. It's not possible.
Then there are the people who say in reply of this is that "Jesus is all the colors of the rainbow." No! Again it is not possible, If you believe that Jesus was a real person who lived in the Middle East he would not have every color in the rainbow or every color of humans around the world. The closer to the equator the darker you are, farther away from the equator the lighter your skin is, it's just that simple.
If you don't believe this then you are contradicting yourself because if you believe that Jesus was a real man who lived on this planet in the Middle East then he is Middle Eastern, and that's a fact. What can be argued is that Jesus was the messiah or not, that is the only thing you can argue.